The Conflict of Justice: Mesa Police Officers Admit Lying in Reports, Yet Remain Unpunished

In another lawsuit filed against the Mesa Police Department, outside attorneys representing City of Mesa police officers argue in Federal Court that Mesa police officers are shielded by absolute immunity when they make false statements in their official police reports. The Mesa Police have confessed to filing false statements in their reports during a federal civil rights lawsuit, yet internal affairs has found all complaints against the officers to be unsubstantiated. This contradiction is troubling, as false statements in police reports not only violates Mesa police department policy, State of Arizona policy, but are criminal acts. How can the lawyers representing City of Mesa police officers admit in court that officers lied in their reports while internal affairs claims there was no wrongdoing? Read more here

Various state and local authorities have not taken appropriate measures against the officers involved in illegal activities, including the Arizona POST board, Mesa Mayor John Giles, Maricopa County District Attorney Rachel Mitchell, Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, and Arizona Attorney General Kristin Mayes. Their inaction in addressing the dishonest practices of Arizona Peace Officers, particularly regarding false statements in official reports, reflects a troubling lack of oversight over the Mesa Police Department and a disregard for the community they serve.


This situation underscores the pressing need for intervention by the Department of Justice to ensure accountability for these officers and to seek justice for the victims affected by the Mesa Police Department's repeated failures to address criminal misconduct among its ranks.

The ongoing lack of accountability not only undermines public trust but also highlights the necessity for external oversight to restore integrity within the police force and protect the rights of the residents of Mesa.